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"Do born-again Christians take their belief in an inerrant Bible literally, or should this belief simply be taken seriously?"


In Genesis 1:26, God said he made humans in his image. I have often wondered if this includes gays and lesbians.

If God made the LGBTQ community in his image, does that mean God is gender fluid and not limited to a single sexual expression?

If so, can God be gay, bisexual, transexual, as well as heterosexual? Does omnipotence have its benefits? Or is flexible sexuality a bad thing, while a single, stable gender is better because God would not want to be bi, trans, or gay, even if he or she could? 

When I posed these questions to my born-again Christian friends they said that being gay was not natural, and therefore a sin against God. Then they laughed and said, “God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.”

Another friend said, “Just look at nature,” he said, “even the animal kingdom is based on male/female pairing and procreation.”

Let’s look at that.

A Long List

The problem with my friends’ latter assertion is if we look to the animal kingdom to see how God created sexuality, we find hundreds of species that practice same-sex behavior, and that’s just for starters.

There is an incredible amount of fluid sexuality in nature, including getting it on as bisexuals (apes), enjoying threesomes (swans), group sex (dolphins & whales), oral sex (female dolphins, bears, goats, cheetahs, primates, antelope), masturbation (walrus, rodents, bats, lizards, turtles, penguins, dolphins, killer whales, primates), mutual masturbation (monkeys), and sex just for the sake of sex and not for procreation (a long, long list). Here are some specific examples:

  • Did you know that giraffes are into gay sex in a big way? 90% of all sex among giraffes is between male animals, even when females are around. 
  • A quarter of all black swan couples are male-male pairs, and they seem to do a better job of raising their young than different-sex pairs. 
  • Bison enjoy lesbian sex. How do they do it? One female mounts another female from the rear. 
  • Bottlenose female dolphins have oral sex, “where one female inserts her beak in the genital opening of the other while swimming gently forward.”
  • Two male bears in Croatia were observed having oral sex 28 times over a 5-day period, or about once every four hours. Each act lasted up to four minutes. 
  • Amazon River dolphins have group sex. Between two and four young males enjoy the sexual company of one or two females in a group encounter. 
  • A long list of animals takes part in the art of self-pleasure. One of the more unique is an Asian elephant with such a long penis, combined with oversized muscles at the base of its shaft, that it masturbates by striking its engorged member on its belly. 
  • The male Indian monkey “bonnet macaque,” gives hand jobs to his friends and on occasion will eat the seamen from this mutual masturbation. 
  • If you live by a farm that has sheep, take note that up to 10% of rams are exclusively homosexual and over 20% of rams are bi-sexual. Lamb never tasted so good. 
  • Can larger, dangerous animals be gay? It appears so: A third or more of killer whales engage in gay sex. 
  • If primates are one of the closest animals to humans on the evolutionary scale, what can we learn about our sexual nature from them? Bonobo apes, also called pygmy chimpanzees from the Congo Basin region, are a matriarchal ape society that is fully bi-sexual. Also, 80 species of male primates, from monkeys to apes, masturbate. Having hands is a major benefit. Some 50 species of female primates enjoy pleasuring themselves. Some use sticks as dildos. 


      It seems that God created animals to engage in a wide variety of sexual activities, including gay sex. If that thought seems distasteful or unpleasant, the other possibility is that something has gone terribly wrong with God’s original plan as envisioned by many Christians. However, I don’t believe that’s an actual option for those who believe in an omnipotent God.

      But it does beg the question: If it is okay for these animals to fulfill God’s design by enjoying a long list of items on their sexual menus, not the least of which is gay sex and masturbation, why can’t humans indulge in similar activities with similar blessings from God? 

      This issue was brought to the forefront of the 2020 Presidential race when Televangelist Franklin Graham directed his anti-gay rhetoric toward Democrat Pete Buttigieg, the first openly gay presidential candidate who would later become Joe Biden’s Transportation Secretary.


      if you have a problem with who I am, your quarrel is not with me. Your quarrel, sir, is with my creator.

      Buttigieg was echoing my discovery, that conservative Christians, in their opposition to the LGBTQ community, seem to be disavowing God’s creation as it was designed and created.

      Considering the diverse sexuality that is so apparent for both humans and animals,  many Christians should be having their argument with God and not with their fellow human beings. 

      This was an excerpt from the upcoming book, “The Jesus Principle.” 

      Click here to receive an exclusive offer to pre-order this book as soon it becomes available.


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      Some believe that being an agnostic Christian is an oxymoron. Like jumbo shrimp, can you actually use opposing descriptions for the same idea? It turns out you can. As a Christian, there is much I don’t know, and that’s reflected in the term “agnostic.” Also as a Christian, there is much I do know that is reflected in the words and life of Jesus. He taught us that love, compassion, truth, the Golden Rule, and protecting “the least of these” are guideposts for this life. That’s where I begin each day. Beyond that, well, there is much I don’t know…

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