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The Jesus Principle — Moving Aways from Jesus

"Do born-again Christians take their belief in an inerrant Bible literally, or should this belief simply be taken seriously?"

Stay tuned for more articles and videos that expand on my soon-to-be-released book, The Jesus Principle.

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Some believe that being an agnostic Christian is an oxymoron. Like jumbo shrimp, can you actually use opposing descriptions for the same idea? It turns out you can. As a Christian, there is much I don’t know, and that’s reflected in the term “agnostic.” Also as a Christian, there is much I do know that is reflected in the words and life of Jesus. He taught us that love, compassion, truth, the Golden Rule, and protecting “the least of these” are guideposts for this life. That’s where I begin each day. Beyond that, well, there is much I don’t know…

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